When you finish reading a novel do you want the characters to stay with you, forcing you to think about the dark side of good people?
Do you appreciate that sex often drives the interactions between individuals and that sex means something different to everyone?
Do you value fiction that doesn't fall neatly into narrow categories?

Spyder's Trouble "is a very well-written BDSM erotica space opera that does not scrimp on the storytelling in lieu of the (very hot) sex ... This excellent story takes the 'band of misfits fighting for a cause' trope and adds the spice of BDSM ... Korin I. Dushayl has created a fascinating world in the outer regions of space and populated it with complex, intriguing characters."
Spyder's Truth is "a well-crafted space opera, with fast-paced story-telling, lots of action...is not the story you pick up, read a few pages, and put down. Once you've begun, you'll find it hard to stop reading until you've finished the entire story."
The Lady & The Spyder "is a fabulous series, with great world-building and excellent characters who are complex, with fascinating backstories."

She "touches upon darkness that many of us hold within ourselves and the inner core that can be broken and rebuilt. She brought out the things that we will do and go through in order to achieve our life goals"
"The sex never disappoints in [her] novels. Just like a great night night in the dungeon, once the kinky action begins, it barely lets up."

Her work "unfolds with the assured touch of a best-selling mainstream author, seducing us into the lives of people with needs and agendas that find wings in the dark. Only an author familiar with this landscape could peel back these layers of psychological complexity without flinching and without dramatic compromise..."