Reviews of Spyder's Trouble

Spyder's Trouble "is definitely not a romance. Instead, it is a very well-written BDSM erotica space opera that does not scrimp on the storytelling in lieu of the (very hot) sex."

"This excellent story takes the 'band of misfits fighting for a cause' trope and adds the spice of BDSM."

"Korin I. Dushayl has created a fascinating world in the outer regions of space and populated it with complex, intriguing characters. We learn enough of the character’s backstories to understand their current situations and motivations, without slogging the story down with unnecessary details. This is a fast-paced story with lots of action, peppered with BDSM dynamics and well-written sex scenes."
"Spyder’s Trouble is the first book of The Lady & The Spyder, a 5-book saga by Korin I. Dushayl that deftly mixes sci-fi action, kink philosophy, and BDSM erotica. It’s a story that works on multiple levels, any of which could stand on their own, but it’s the intersection of them all that makes this so memorable."

"As for the power exchange, it should come as no surprise that Ms. Frederick, a lifestyle Domme herself, describes matters of protocol and discipline so well. The way in which the characters experience subspace is probably the closest approximation to my own that I have come across in fiction."
"In melding decidedly well-worn space-opera tropes with elements of reasonably tame BDSM and—more interestingly—an exploration of issues surrounding religion, patriarchy, sexual repression and theocratic hypocrisy, Dushayl managed to hold my interest with increasing ease ... at root, this is a deeply human story—albeit not a romantic one. The Lady whose collar all the crew—very much including the captain—eventually wear, is a fascinating character, alluring, persuasive, shrewd, deeply intelligent, but also at times tender, caring, empathetic and wise—precisely the qualities a great Domme should possess."

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